
Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of each month (except July, which is family month). 

American Legion Post 135
1108 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

Meeting Agenda

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Current Meeting Minutes:

PO BOX 60358

Minutes of Meeting
  November 10, 2014


Meeting Started at 7:00 PM

Meeting was called to order by President Allen Harvey at 7:00 pm in American Legion Post 135.

Moment of silence for POW/MIAs was observed by all present.
Opening prayer was given by Chaplain Leroy Pace
Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all members.

Minutes from the October meeting were read by Secretary Bob Stark and approved by all.
Treasurer's report - report was given by Mike Jones with approximately $4373.53 in the general fund. 

Ms. Elizabeth Welch gave a presentation to the membership about Woodsmen of the World - Brunswick Lodge.  She presented the chapter with two U.S. Flags. One 4x6 nylon and one parade ready flag with a pole for use with parades or with a stand for indoor display. 
More information can be seen on WWW.Woodsmen.Org

Old Business
Bob Stark purchased the new eagle for the parade flag and he presented it to the chapter.

New Business

1.  Bud Hunt made a suggestion to form a budget.  Discussion followed. He later rescinded his suggestion.

2.  Christmas families in need -  2 families were going to Donald Singleton to distribute. One was to go to Tyrone Brockington as he is needy. Motion was made by O.C. Fowler and seconded by Paul Rothamel. Motion carried.

3.  Christmas party progress was given by Bud Hunt.  It was stated that Toys for Tots will be collected at our dinner.

4.  Motion was duly made and seconded for the chapter to donate $1.00 per casualty to the empty stocking fund. Total is $106.00.  Motion carried.

Committee Reports

ROTC Committee - No report given.

Tee Shirt - It was reported that the tee shirts for this year have arrived and Bob will distribute them after the meeting. 

Veterans Council - Report was given by Bob Stark.

Events and Fundraising - No further fundraising projects for the remainder of 2014.

Good of the Order
It was announced that Richmond Hill will be hosting an affair for Vietnam Veterans Saturday at 11:00 AM.

Flag was saluted by all.
Closing Prayer was given by Chaplain Pace.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm